Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Listening Task and Taking Initiative

Merely speaking and writing is not regarded as communication but also ‘listening’, which is often skipped by the people. It is considered that maximum percentage of people have a less efficiency of listening than they believe, and many are not good listeners. These days there are many corporate companies which take much effort in improving inter-personal communications, have confident skill development in reading, writing and speaking. Listening skill is always recommended for enhancing. Many people do have wrong notion that listening is related to hearing. Some people may be very good at hearing, but due to their lack of listening skills, what they understand is not necessary what is being said.

Regarding all communication skills, listening is the most primarily learned and the most frequently used, many are lacking behind and have not mastered. Listening is that skill which underlies all leadership skills. It is the pitch of developing and maintaining relationship, decision making and problem solving. Being leaders, half of our time is spent on communication time listening and much of it is wasted since we do it so poorly. It is such a part of our routine life, in our careers as well as at home, that we take it for granted sometimes. In administrative leadership, the innovative managers are good listeners. They give their advice by listening keenly to their staff or workers. Basically they possess the capability of drawing out excellent in their subordinates and then add to it. Why is it then that while the art of listening is recognized by many researchers as one of the most essential qualities a leader can possess, poor listening is identified frequently as the most common deficiency in leaders? Listening skills are often disregarded or simply taken for granted. Ultimately, there are chances of a lot of difficulties raise in communication.

Leadership is one of the most extensively conversed topics in business today, yet it continues to be puzzling and vague to many people. Merely understanding leadership and the act of leadership is not limited to a select few. It survives at all stages of an organization. The provisions of leadership management are frequently used interchangeably. This is frequently acknowledgeable, as many of the human resource skills are precious in both disciplines. However, they do have a considerably various focus. Management is a foundation of focus, or how to achieve things. Leadership is the uppermost line focus, or whatever is the leader willing to achieve. ‘Management is doing the things right; leadership is doing the right things’. Leadership is not limited to those who are nominated or employed. There are innumerous people who have the caliber to become efficient leaders. In real sense, all the stages of people should practice leadership if they want to attain their target. At time, it may also happen that many people tend to vary in caliber, but each and every person can become more efficient through awareness of the concepts of leadership and increased self-understanding.

There are two fundamental kinds of leadership: Tranquilized and Transfixed.

Tranquilized leaders persuade followers or supporters by means of business or deal. It means they provide their followers wealth, appreciation, or some kind of other reward in exchange for the follower’s effort and performance.

Proficient or knowledgeable leaders support their followers to enhance the confidence that is required for achieving goals. Transfixed leadership, however, involves a powerful personal recognition with the leader. Their followers bond in a shared vision of future, going beyond self-interest and chasing for personal rewards. They persuade their followers to perform further.

In BM English Speaking Advanced English & Communication Skills Course participants are trained to develop their listening skills. For more information log on to

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