Friday, April 2, 2010

How Good Are You At Setting Goals?

Everyone wants to be successful in life. But you can measure success only if you have a goal. No football match can be played without having a goal post. In the same way there can be no success in one’s career without a clear goal. There are systematic steps to goal-setting as given below:

The SMART way to set goal. Five easy steps to set goals:
  1. S – Specific: General goals are no good; Goals must be specific and clear. For e.g.  Just wanting to look presentable is not a clear goal. However, “Achieving the ideal weight can be a definite goal”
  2. M – Measurable: A goal which cannot be measured is not a true goal. For e.g.  A goal of losing weight is too vague. But losing “15 Kgs.” is a clearly measurable goal.
  3. A – Achievable: It should be an attainable goal. To dream of losing 60 kg weight at the age of 20 years when you totally weigh 130 Kgs is thoroughly unattainable.
  4. R – Realistic: It should be feasible to attain the goal. There is no point in setting goals which are simply outside one’s abilities.
  5. T- Time bound: A goal without time limit is no goal at all. Every goal should have a commencement and a completion time. For e.g. If we commence weight loss exercise today, we can set ninety days as completion time for losing 15 kgs.
So whether it is your career, job, profession or business. Remember there is a smart way of setting goals. And finally, big goals lead to big success.

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